There are two pictures on either side of the mast head. These pictures relate to their respective headlines. The is a Puff where it says "Brandon Flowers, A week in the life". This is an exclusive interview with Brandon Flowers, which is sure to entice the readers to see more into the magazine issue and into his life.
The main headline is of Jen Iredia who has spent a few years as a super model, but now has got herself an indie band, and has produced a widely approved indie album. The readers are supposed to see Jen Iredia as a familiar face to the world media and will be interested in reading the reviews of a someone who has completely changed her image and scene.
The Bar code is on the bottom-right hand corner. It shows the price of the magazine at £1.99, and it also shows the website address, www.NME.com. At the bottom there are acts who's albums and live performances are being reviewed by NME magazine. This will give the audience an insight into what is to come further on into the magazine issue.
There is a pug where it says Win backstage access tickets to Green Day, another enticing offer, but on a commercial based venture to get more readers for the magazine in general.
There is a headline that says "Scarlett Johansen New Album Review" This is the same sort of proposition an Jen Iredia as they have both gone into a transition into a new image.
There is a date at the right of the front cover, and also the slogan "New Music Express".
This was produced on Microsoft Word and then print-screened into paint and saved there. I then inserted the image into the blog.